Week 8 Newsletter

After a week of upsets, some teams took a hit in the power rankings, while others bounced back or continued to climb. Let’s get into it.

Weekly Status Update

Current Playoff Seeds

If the playoff seeds were calculated today, here’s who would make the cut.

Seed Team Name Criteria
1st Bling Bling Division winner with best record*
2nd Total domination Division winner with second-best record*
3rd Tricksters Division winner with third-best record*
4th Pegasus Division winner with worst record*
5th Not Lucky Team with best record among remaining*
6th Kali Warriors Team with most points for among remaining

*Ties broken by Points For.

After the stat correction flip-flop last week where Necessary Roughness took the win at the last moment over the Kali Warriors, Total domination claimed the divisional lead in Cerberus. With the second best record among the division leaders, Total domination currently sits at the #2 seed, sending Kali Warriors down to the 6th.

Title Belt

Total domination has held on to the title belt after defending it from the Tricksters!

Total domination will be defending the title from Bling Bling in this week’s upcoming matchup.

Scoring by Division

Rank Division Name Points For Wins Average PPG
1 Division By Zero 3669.58 13 174.74
2 Cerberus 3265.16 11 155.48
3 The Resistance 3488.32 10 166.11
4 High Flyers 3284.78 8 156.42

Week 7 saw wins for every team in the Cerberus division! Despite trailing the league in PF, Cerberus has asserted that they do not suck the hardest.

Overall Wins by Week

Team Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Kali Warriors 5-6 11-0 4-7 7-4 9-2 7-4 6-5
The Death Eaters 4-7 5-6 5-6 5-6 8-3 5-6 8-3
Red Warriors 0-11 2-9 7-4 0-11 0-11 2-9 1-10
speed-demons 10-1 3-8 8-3 1-10 3-8 9-2 7-4
Tricksters 7-4 7-4 3-8 10-1 5-6 11-0 4-7
Necessary Roughness 2-9 4-7 0-11 6-5 2-9 8-3 11-0
Bling Bling 8-3 10-1 9-2 11-0 11-0 6-5 5-6
Not Lucky 9-2 9-2 11-0 2-9 6-5 0-11 10-1
Detroit Wolverines 1-10 0-11 1-10 8-3 7-4 10-1 9-2
Pegasus 11-0 6-5 10-1 9-2 4-7 1-10 0-11
Golden Eagles 6-5 1-10 2-9 3-8 10-1 4-7 2-9
Winged Hussars 3-8 8-3 6-5 4-7 1-10 3-8 3-8

Points Leaders

Points For

Rank Team Name Points For Change Points Behind Lead Points Behind Next Rank
1 Bling Bling 1274.50 0 0.00 0.00
2 Not Lucky 1265.10 0 9.40 9.40
3 Kali Warriors 1204.60 2 69.90 60.50
4 Tricksters 1193.22 0 81.28 11.38
5 speed-demons 1175.60 1 98.90 17.62
6 Pegasus 1173.22 -3 101.28 2.38
7 The Death Eaters 1170.00 0 104.50 3.22
8 Detroit Wolverines 1129.98 0 144.52 40.02
9 Necessary Roughness 1119.50 1 155.00 10.48
10 Golden Eagles 1058.26 -1 216.24 61.24
11 Winged Hussars 1053.30 0 221.20 4.96
12 Red Warriors 890.56 0 383.94 162.74

Pegasus continues to plummet in Points For as the bye weeks expose some of the depth issues in their roster. Meanwhile Necessary Roughness separates themselves from the bottom tier after a great Week 7.

Max Points For

Rank Team Name Max PF
1 Not Lucky 1637.12
2 speed-demons 1572.54
3 Detroit Wolverines 1549.50
4 Kali Warriors 1538.06
5 Tricksters 1524.94
6 Bling Bling 1508.20
7 Winged Hussars 1407.20
8 Golden Eagles 1396.44
9 The Death Eaters 1385.58
10 Pegasus 1384.44
11 Necessary Roughness 1374.52
12 Red Warriors 1210.34

Manager Ranking

Rank Team Name Points For Max PF Manager Grade Change
1 Pegasus 1173.22 1384.44 84.74% 0
2 Bling Bling 1274.50 1508.20 84.50% 0
3 The Death Eaters 1170.00 1385.58 84.44% 0
4 Necessary Roughness 1119.50 1374.52 81.45% 0
5 Kali Warriors 1204.60 1538.06 78.32% 2
6 Tricksters 1193.22 1524.94 78.25% 0
7 Not Lucky 1265.10 1637.12 77.28% 1
8 Golden Eagles 1058.26 1396.44 75.78% -3
9 Winged Hussars 1053.30 1407.20 74.85% 0
10 speed-demons 1175.60 1572.54 74.76% 0
11 Red Warriors 890.56 1210.34 73.58% 0
12 Detroit Wolverines 1129.98 1549.50 72.93% 0

The Golden Eagles left over 100 additional points on their bench last week, and that’s certainly reflecting in their managerial ranking.

Power Rankings Table

Bling Bling #1 0 6-1 60-17 #1, 182ppg #2 #4 42
Kali Warriors #2 1 4-3 49-28 #3, 172ppg #1 #3 33
Tricksters #3 -1 4-3 47-30 #4, 170ppg #5 #1 33
Not Lucky #4 3 4-3 47-30 #2, 181ppg #8 #11 29
The Death Eaters #5 0 5-2 40-37 #7, 167ppg #7 #2 31
speed-demons #6 0 3-4 41-36 #5, 168ppg #3 #6 28
Pegasus #7 -3 4-3 41-36 #6, 168ppg #6 #12 24
Detroit Wolverines #8 1 3-4 36-41 #8, 161ppg #4 #8 35
Necessary Roughness #9 1 3-4 33-44 #9, 160ppg #9 #7 27
Golden Eagles #10 -2 3-4 28-49 #10, 151ppg #10 #9 21
Winged Hussars #11 0 1-6 28-49 #11, 150ppg #12 #5 17
Red Warriors #12 0 2-5 12-65 #12, 127ppg #11 #10 10

Note: the newest column on the right stands for “Overall Wins Last 5,” as in how many wins overall have you accumulated over the last 5 weeks? This factors somewhat into the calculation determining your power ranking, which gives a slightly better picture of how your team is doing now, apart from the early weeks before any roster moves were made.

Power Rankings Over Time

A few interesting observations about this chart this week:

  • There’s this interesting separation between the top-6 and bottom-6 teams in the league.
    • If you were a top-6 team in Week 2, then you have not dropped below the top-7 yet this season.
    • The only bottom-6 team in Week 2 that has cracked the top-6 in weeks since is Total domination, a team that has been steadily climbing the ranks since Week 4.
    • Since Total domination cracked the top-6 in Week 6, three teams have taken turns being displaced to the #7 spot: speed-demons, Not Lucky, and Pegasus.
    • Pegasus and the Detroit Wolverines have been gradually converging on each other, and if their rates of descent and ascent continue, soon the Wolverines will be the second bottom-6 team to break into the top-6, as Pegasus plummets to the lower echelons.
  • Not Lucky has reclaimed most of the ground lost in Week 7, climbing 3 spots up to #4.

ROS Roster Rankings Over Time

Not a ton of movement in ROS rankings this week.

Team-by-Team Breakdown

Bling Bling (1)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Bling Bling 6-1 1 60-17 1274.50 182.07 18.88

After a surprise upset, Bling Bling has lost their status as the lone remaining undefeated team. They still hold a comfortable lead over the other teams in Division by Zero, but there’s still plenty of time for that to change.

This week they’re up against Total domination, a team that might not have been too intimidating earlier in the season but that is on a hot streak of wins, averaging 179 PPG over the last three games. Bling Bling is favored to win, but I wouldn’t be shocked at another upset this week.

Kali Warriors (2)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Kali Warriors 4-3 2 49-28 1204.60 172.09 8.90

The Kali Warriors suffered a blow in Week 6 when they got the victory snatched from them by stat corrections in another surprise upset by Necessary Roughness. This loss resulted in the Kali Warriors losing the divisional lead to up-and-comer Total domination.

They bounced back some last week and still remain fully in contention for a playoff berth, though. This coming week is the first week they’ll have both Saquon Barkley and CMC in the starting lineup, which they’ll need going up against Not Lucky.

Tricksters (3)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Tricksters 4-3 1 47-30 1193.22 170.46 7.27

After a strong start, the Tricksters have only won two of the last five games. This is worrisome for them given that their division, The Resistance, looks like the division most vulnerable to shake-ups right now. The trailing teams in the division (speed-demons and Necessary Roughness) are each only one game behind the Tricksters.

The Tricksters are looking to maintain their lead with a win this week, which is looking like a difficult proposition given their matchup against the revitalized Detroit Wolverines.

Not Lucky (4)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Not Lucky 4-3 2 47-30 1265.10 180.73 17.54

Not Lucky has been very up-and-down this season, seemingly bouncing between two extremes (notice that Not Lucky is ranked #11 in consistency in the power ranking table).

They currently don’t have much to worry about in terms of obtaining a playoff seed; if they don’t get the 5th seed based on record, they have a comfortable margin between themselves and the next team in PF (60.5 points).

Total domination (5)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Total domination 5-2 1 40-37 1170.00 167.14 3.95

Total domination is on fire. They’re on a 4-game win-streak and secured the division lead after their division mate’s last-minute upset against Necessary Roughness last week.

This week they face their greatest threat in opponent Bling Bling. Bling has looked unstoppable for most of the season, but last week they were exposed after getting destroyed by underdog Necessary Roughness. Last week Bling Bling had a pretty poor showing, putting up 144.12 points, which is lower than the lowest score Total domination has put up so far this season (149.62 in Week 2).

Total domination can definitely beat Bling Bling this week, but they’ll need to do a little more than the very average-to-above-average performances they’ve done so far to ensure a victory.

speed-demons (6)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
speed-demons 3-4 2 41-36 1175.60 167.94 4.75

The playoff race between the speed-demons and the Tricksters is a tight one. The speed-demons, like Total domination, have been pretty average/slightly above average so far.

This week they face Pegasus, a team that has recently looked very easily beatable. They’re looking for an easy W, which should position them nicely if the Tricksters lose their tough matchup this week.

Pegasus (7)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Pegasus 4-3 1 41-36 1173.22 167.60 4.41

Oof–what a rough couple of weeks for Pegasus. In two straight weeks, they’ve put up bottom-2 performances, exposing some of the depth issues in their roster. Since Week 4, Pegasus’s ROS Roster ranking hasn’t moved from #6, and we might be seeing why. As the Golden Eagles seek to take their playoff spot, Pegasus might want to think about making some savvy moves to maintain their tenuous lead.

Pegasus’s wings might be made of wax; they certainly seem to be plummeting after flying too close to the sun.

Detroit Wolverines (8)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Detroit Wolverines 3-4 3 36-41 1129.98 161.43 -1.76

Don’t call it a comeback.

- Aaron Cannon, Detroit Wolverines owner. Also LL Cool J

…No. What a comeback!

After sitting at #12 in the Power Rankings in Weeks 3 and 4, the Wolverines have slowly but steadily climbed the rankings after a string of impressive performances. Their PPG the past 4 weeks is 184.12, and they show no sign of slowing down. I fully expect to see them even higher up next week.

Necessary Roughness (9)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Necessary Roughness 3-4 3 33-44 1119.50 159.93 -3.26

After weeks of bouncing between #10 and #11 in PR, Necessary Roughness has broken out of that depressing cycle and made it to #9!

They put up the highest score of the week last week, following up their great Week 6 performance nicely. A playoff berth still looks like a longshot, but their outlook looks a lot better than it did a couple weeks ago.

Golden Eagles (10)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Golden Eagles 3-4 2 28-49 1058.26 151.18 -12.01

It’s been a tough year for the Golden Eagles. They’ve sought to capitalize on some of their fortunate victories, but so far that effort hasn’t yet translated into consistent success.

The good news for them is that their roster seems to have the potential (what with a 250+ max PF this past week or something ridiculous like that). The difficulty, as is always the case in fantasy, comes in picking which players to start.

I’m interested to see how this week shakes out against the recently formidable Necessary Roughness. They’re only a game behind their division leader Pegasus, a team who seems to be crumbling right now, so clinching the division is still well within the realm of possibility for GE.

Winged Hussars (11)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Winged Hussars 1-6 3 28-49 1053.30 150.47 -12.72

The Winged Hussars’ involuntary tanking is going well–they hold the #11 spot in these rankings despite holding the worst record in the league.

After Patrick Mahomes awful injury in last week’s TNF game, the Hussars’ outlook looks bleaker than ever; on the plus side, however, it’s looking like Mahomes won’t be out long. Whether an earlier return will translate into better times for the Hussars, though, is looking pretty unlikely.

It doesn’t look good for the Hussars’ playoff hopes, but being in the High Flyers, the weakest division in the league, means they still have a shot.

Red Warriors (12)

Team Name Record Division Rank Overall Wins Points For PPG PPG vs. League AVG
Red Warriors 2-5 3 12-65 890.56 127.22 -35.97

The Red Warriors got their second win last week against High Flyers division leader Pegasus! What an upset.


Luck Chart

Total domination’s string of recent successes seems to have been aided at least mildly by luck, while the Winged Hussars continue to hold the crown for unluckiest team so far.

Necessary Roughness is right where they should be. There’s something so satisfying about seeing 33-44 in Total Record and 3-4 in Actual Record.

On to the next week!