Current Standings

*Ties broken by Points For.

Whole Divisions

Divisions ordered by the sum of points scored by each team.

Rank Division Name Points For Wins Average PPG
1 Division By Zero 5778.12 22 175.09
2 The Resistance 5465.38 16 165.62
3 Cerberus 5097.92 16 154.48
4 High Flyers 5102.24 12 154.61

Team Standings


Rank Team Name Record Points For
1 The Death Eaters 7-4 1760.84
2 Kali Warriors 6-5 1912.70
3 Red Warriors E 3-8 1424.38

The Resistance

Rank Team Name Record Points For
1 speed-demons 7-4 1854.28
2 Tricksters 5-6 1869.48
3 Necessary Roughness E 4-7 1741.62

Division by Zero

Rank Team Name Record Points For
1 Bling Bling 8-3 1972.96
2 Not Lucky 7-4 1944.52
3 Detroit Wolverines 7-4 1860.64

High Flyers

Rank Team Name Record Points For
1 Pegasus D 7-4 1831.86
2 Golden Eagles E 3-8 1618.38
3 Winged Hussars E 2-9 1652.00